Cookies Policy

URBANTREE PARTNERS website uses its own and third-party cookies. A cookie is a file that is downloaded to your computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a web page, among other purposes, to ensure the correct functioning of the page, allow users faster access to the selected services, store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of users and even, depending on the information they contain and the way they use their equipment, they can be used to recognize the user. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer or device and do not provide references that allow their personal data to be known, unless expressly authorized by the user. 

The user can, at all times, accept or reject installed cookies that are not strictly necessary for the proper functioning of the website and access to the user to its services, through the cookies setting panel provided on our website. You can also configure your browser at any time without damaging the ability of the user to access the contents. However, we inform you that rejecting of cookies may decrease the proper functioning of the website.


According to the EU directive, cookies that require informed consent by the user are analytical, advertising and affiliation cookies, excepting those of a technical nature and those necessary for the operation of the website or the provision of services expressly demanded by the user.


  • Depending the entity that manages them, there are own cookies (those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain managed by the editor itself and from which the service tendered by the user is provided) and from third parties (those that are sent to the user’s terminal equipment from a computer or domain that is not managed by the editor, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through cookies).
  • Depending on how long they remain active, there are session sessions (designed to request and store data while the user accesses a web page) and persistent ones (in which data is stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed for a defined period by the person responsible for the cookie – it can go from a few minutes to several years).
  • Depending on the purpose for which they process the information they collect, they can be:

Technical cookies (necessary for the use of the website and the provision of the contracted service)
Personalization cookies (which allow the user to access the service with predefined features, such as language, browser type, regional settings, etc.)
Analysis cookies (collect information on the use made of the website),
Advertising cookies (collect information about the preferences and personal choices of users),
Affiliate cookies (allow you to track visits from other websites, with which the website establishes an affiliation contract).



At any time you can access the configuration of your browser accepting or rejecting all cookies, or select those that the installation supports and those that do not, following one of the following procedures, which depends on the browser you use:

Google Chrome (in the Tools Menu)
Settings > Show advanced options > Privacy (Content settings) > Cookies:

Microsoft Edge (Settings Menu)
Settings > Cookies and site permissions:

Internet Options > Privacy > Cookies

Safari, iPad y iPhone
Preferences > Privacy

Settings > Options > Advanced > Cookies

These browsers are subject to changes or modifications, so we cannot guarantee that they fully conform to the version of your browser. You might also use another browser not included in these links such as Konqueror, Arora, Flock, etc. To avoid these mismatches, you can access directly from your browser options, usually in the “Options” menu in the “Privacy” section. (Please see your browser’s help for more information).


URBANTREE PARTNERS reserves the right to modify this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence.


To restrict or block cookies, it is done through the browser settings.

If you do not want websites to put any cookies on your computer, you can adapt your browser settings so that you are notified before any cookies are placed. Similarly, you can adapt the configuration so that the browser rejects all cookies, or only third-party cookies. You can also delete any of the cookies that are already on the computer. Remember that the configuration of each browser and equipment you use must be adapted separately.

Remember that if you do not wish to receive cookies, we can no longer guarantee that our website works properly. Some features of the site may be lost and you may no longer be able to see certain websites. In addition, rejected cookies does not mean that you will no longer see advertisements. The ads simply will not fit your interests and will be repeated more frequently.

Each browser has a different method to adapt the configuration. If necessary, consult the browser’s help function to set the correct settings.

To disable cookies on your mobile phone, see the device manual for more information.

You can get more information about cookies on the Internet

Taking into account the way in which the Internet and websites work, we do not always have information about the cookies placed by third parties through our website. This applies especially to cases where the website contains what are called integrated elements: texts, documents, images or short films that are stored elsewhere, but are displayed on our website or through it.

Therefore, in case you encounter this type of cookies on this website, and they are not listed in the previous list, please notify us. Or contact the third party directly to request information about the cookies you place, the purpose and duration of the cookie, and how you have guaranteed your privacy.

Contact us


    Barcelona Office
    Antoni Bell 2, 4th Floor – C
    Sant Cugat del Vallès 08174
    +34 93 280 7084

    Madrid Office
    Alfonso XII 62, 2nd Floor
    Madrid 28014
    +34 91 048 8455

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