A Decade of Elevating Uninterrupted Growth in Foreign Direct Investment in Spain | 2013-2023 | Future Outlook

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Over the last ten years, the “Multinationales con España” association (multinationals with Spain) has been a driving force behind projects that have not only enhanced Spain’s global reputation but positioned it as a leader in various economic sectors. Collaborating with international companies, the association focused on fostering innovation, facilitating technology transfer, creating quality jobs, and promoting sustainability.

Key Milestones: – Strategic Partnerships: The association’s initiatives have forged robust partnerships between multinational companies and Spanish institutions, actively contributing to Spain’s economic and social advancement. – Promoting Best Practices: By sharing successful business models and encouraging collaboration between companies and local stakeholders, the association has significantly influenced Spanish society, fostering a more competitive business landscape.

Future Vision – “Attract: Toward 2030”: – The association’s forthcoming plans are outlined in the “Attract: Toward 2030” document, charting a course to attract increased global investment to Spain. – Leveraging the Next Generation EU funds, the association aims to reinforce Spain’s position as a premier destination for international investment.

Analyzing Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): – A recent report by the association delves into the analysis of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Multinational Enterprises (MNEs), solidifying its role as a provider of benchmark studies in FDI. – The report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of global investment dynamics, emphasizing the pivotal role played by Foreign Multinational Companies in driving Spain’s investment growth.

In essence, the Association of Multinationals with Spain has played a pivotal role in Spain’s economic growth and sustainable development. Their commitment aligns with Spain’s competitive strengths, making it a magnet for international businesses.

Check the report here: bit.ly/3SQdlg1


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