Mapping the ESG in Real Estate | Urban Land Institute

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ESG standards in real estate: analysis of certifications and their global evolution in the industry

This report provides a comprehensive overview of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) reporting standards related to the real estate sector. At the corporate, fund/portfolio, and asset levels, it highlights relevant building certifications. The study delves into the origins, purposes, and coverage of the most widely-used ESG standards and certifications in the real estate industry. Offering a structured analysis of each ESG framework, it allows readers to gauge its suitability for making disclosures in line with their organization’s ESG strategies. Though some standards are region-specific, most have a global reach. The report situates the current state of ESG reporting within the global real estate context, emphasizing its rapid evolution. Building certifications, ratings, scorings, and tools like PRI, GRESB, and CDP are also covered. Lastly, it presents best practice case studies discussing operational challenges of implementing ESG standards in the real estate arena.

Check the report here:


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